One Cameroon for all
The wealth of the nation must be fairly shared so that all and not a minority only enjoy it. That wealth is produced by all the Cameroonians and it therefore is justice for the fruits of that wealth to profit to those who generated it. On the basis of the economical power, the gulf that separate the children of Cameroon is getting deeper and deeper each day. The facts are there is a Cameroon that gets everything of a paradise for the rich and a second Cameroon that is a daily hell for the poor. There is a minority that possesses all, controls all, gets all the privileges and is as distant from the ordinary Cameroonian as earth is distant from the sun. There is a majority that possesses almost nothing, is deprived of almost everything, gets almost no right and is given no account of the way the country is managed.
Misery is taking dramatic proportions to an extent no one could have predicted two decades ago. The growing insecurity and crime are direct consequences of the monopoly exerted on the wealth of the nation by a small number of Cameroonians. This means that overnight families have lost members. In other words, parents have lost their unique son or daughter or the child who made them proud and was maybe their sole consolation in this world. Children have seen their father, their mother die before their very eyes. Because of mismanagement, corruption and poverty that follows as a consequence to that, powerless parents have seen their own parents lose their life or children have seen their parents die because they could not afford a compress or syringe at the infirmary, at the health center, at the hospital. Doctors, mid-wives, nurses fail to correctly do their job because the poor salary they receive does not help them feed their families. The result is a higher mortality rate in our health centers as well as in the rest of the country. Plus too many regions in the country are still in need of a single infirmary. Populations have no choice but to travel sometimes more than twenty or thirty miles most of the time on impassable roads for the nearest infirmary that is seldom properly equipped.
How many die during the journey alone? How many lives will so be sacrificed and for how long? There are heads of families who dread to return home after work in fear of having to encounter the silent angry looks of their hungry kids. This humiliation of feeling themselves worthless and despised in their own house, those parents have to endure it everyday. Children or teen-agers cannot go to school because the school fees are too high. Many fathers unfortunately abandon their homes or find refuge in alcohol. Misery caused by the confiscation of the country's resources by a minority plays a great role in this social tragedy.
Did we really have to come to this? With most Cameroonians I do not think so. Do cameroon as we know it today reflect the true potential of the Cameroonians? I do not think so. Can we honestly rejoice for what The Triangle has become in 2007? I do not think so can we say that the children of The National Triangle are globally satisfied? I do not think so. Cameroon must be a Cameroon for all and the Cameroon of all, not the exclusive property of some people. More social justice, that is what Cameroonians ask for. It is the cameroonian head of state's duty to take all the necessary measures to ensure a good management of the country. Such actions when definitely taken produce tangible effects in the behavior of the agents of the state and in the whole country. Through his actions, the head of state must fully justify the function he has been elected for.

Misery is taking dramatic proportions to an extent no one could have predicted two decades ago. The growing insecurity and crime are direct consequences of the monopoly exerted on the wealth of the nation by a small number of Cameroonians. This means that overnight families have lost members. In other words, parents have lost their unique son or daughter or the child who made them proud and was maybe their sole consolation in this world. Children have seen their father, their mother die before their very eyes. Because of mismanagement, corruption and poverty that follows as a consequence to that, powerless parents have seen their own parents lose their life or children have seen their parents die because they could not afford a compress or syringe at the infirmary, at the health center, at the hospital. Doctors, mid-wives, nurses fail to correctly do their job because the poor salary they receive does not help them feed their families. The result is a higher mortality rate in our health centers as well as in the rest of the country. Plus too many regions in the country are still in need of a single infirmary. Populations have no choice but to travel sometimes more than twenty or thirty miles most of the time on impassable roads for the nearest infirmary that is seldom properly equipped.
How many die during the journey alone? How many lives will so be sacrificed and for how long? There are heads of families who dread to return home after work in fear of having to encounter the silent angry looks of their hungry kids. This humiliation of feeling themselves worthless and despised in their own house, those parents have to endure it everyday. Children or teen-agers cannot go to school because the school fees are too high. Many fathers unfortunately abandon their homes or find refuge in alcohol. Misery caused by the confiscation of the country's resources by a minority plays a great role in this social tragedy.
Did we really have to come to this? With most Cameroonians I do not think so. Do cameroon as we know it today reflect the true potential of the Cameroonians? I do not think so. Can we honestly rejoice for what The Triangle has become in 2007? I do not think so can we say that the children of The National Triangle are globally satisfied? I do not think so. Cameroon must be a Cameroon for all and the Cameroon of all, not the exclusive property of some people. More social justice, that is what Cameroonians ask for. It is the cameroonian head of state's duty to take all the necessary measures to ensure a good management of the country. Such actions when definitely taken produce tangible effects in the behavior of the agents of the state and in the whole country. Through his actions, the head of state must fully justify the function he has been elected for.