What Cameroonians?
People and nations across the world are identified through specific characteristics. Cameroonians are known to be willing and able, a proud and smart people with an indomitable spirit that makes them ready to face any possible obstacle on their way. Those great qualities alone however cannot help us build a great, strong nation, united around a common project. When misused, intelligence or genius, talent can give way to self-importance, arrogance, pretentiousness, to a negative feeling of superiority or the false impression that the other people cannot teach anything to us. That is a big mistake and a big lie. When swelling too much the danger of exploding is never too far. We must make sure this kind of explosion does not happen to us. We honestly must take a look at ourselves in the mirror and check whether this type of explosion has not occurred yet, and if it has, then we would be facing a problem, a different kind of challenge. That problem we would have to solve. That challenge we would have to take.
The type of explosion I am referring to here is a manner of self-destruction characterized by a tendency to denigrate and sabotage our fellow Cameroonians' initiatives; the very kind of explosion that is an incapability to join together and share our talents; an excessive attention given to our own little person, meaning an overdeveloped ego that is synonymous to an underdeveloped humility; a need to feel that we are more important than the others. That specific type of explosion can be called an implosion, an explosion from within, rooted somewhere in our personality, in our mentality. Is it the negative side of the lion who maybe because so self-possessed with a misplaced feeling of majesty does not join with his fellows, seldom lives within a group and rather chooses the ways of the solitary? Truth is that individualism is very spread among the children of The National Triangle.
We should not compete, we should complete one another. Roads, open doors, ways, instead of no entries or red lights. Through our actions, our words, our mentality, let us not be knots nor obstacles. Let us be the ways through which the constructive energies of the beloved land must circulate freely. Those are human energies, that is the hearts, the brains, the bodies, the good will of men, women and children of Cameroon. Those men, those women, those children must express life as put in them by the sky, the sun, the earth, the waterways so that they too in return can produce life, beauty, goodness, greatness, harmony, civilization. A culture of humility must slowly take root and become one of Cameroonians' main distinctive characters. Humility is the powerful virtue that makes us willing to learn and grow, to perfect ourselves, to welcome with open arms the knowledge the others can bring in our life.
However, for it to stand any chance to extend to the whole nation, the example of humility and service come from the leading class. But that very leading class' ultimate model is the highest authority of the state which is the president of the republic whose personality will be reflected on his collaborators. That is the way things stand. The head can positively or not influence the life of the nation.
Our destiny being to always go on and forwards, I am one hundred percent positive the people in Cameroon can successfully take the challenge, providing there is good coaching and motivation by our elite. To be honest, it is the supreme authority of the state's duty to impulse that improvement in our mentality because he is constitutionally in charge of the executive and is in the position to show the way, the position of the leader of the nation. More, since the head moulds the mentalities of the people, it is virtually impossible for the head to give the good example with the rest of the nation not following, for the executive is given all the constitutional means to act and its decisions apply to the entire territory. So, due to his rank and due to the authority that rank provides, the head affects the whole country in its every level. Decrees and other measures that apply to the whole nation are decided by the head.
The behavior, good or bad, we notice at the head will finally be the ordinary citizen's. There is therefore a cause and effect relation no one can deny. Through concrete actions, the head as the center of the supreme authority must show the way of a different Cameroon, a clean Cameroon, in harmony with the people of The National Triangle's aspirations for justice and happiness. Exerting the supreme function is a serious matter. Of course, that function grants rights and privileges to its beneficiary, but that noble function also implies duties. Service to the nation is the supreme of all those duties.
Leading the country implies on the part of the citizen who publicly, officially and solemnly took an oath, to take care of the nation and to really be there for things to go right. That oath is a duty and an obligation. The lack of civic responsibility, the casualness who tend to define the sons and daughters of Cameroon today even at a very young age can be understood as the blues of a desperate, a disillusioned people, a tried and tired people, an abandoned people who unfortunately has lost faith in its representatives.