How can we ever pay thy due?
Just like individuals, societies are destined to perfect themselves. This is a necessity both for societies to progress, to go forward and so to avoid regression. Self-criticism is a way for us to make such an improvement in terms of ethics. Each and everyone of us is concerned by this need for self-criticism, for it is important that we all remember The National Pyramid begins by the base before culminating in its top, and no other way. The edge of its summit is nothing but the convergence point of all the synergies coming from the base and the two sides. Thus, the very attitudes, behavior, actions that must make a renovated Cameroon must originate from all the stages of our society. The National Pyramid must, will and can only be a collective work with everyone contributing in. We must be useful to Cameroon, we must not use Cameroon. No matter how small our sphere of action, no matter our social status, we all have to contribute something. Cameroon needs each and everyone of us. We are Cameroon , Cameroon is each one of us.