Our country is facing a big energy crisis. There are too many Cameroonians who do not have access to water or electricity. Furthermore, with the frequent power and water cut, the access to those two energies by the happy few who benefited from it has become highly problematical. We all are aware of the correlation between water, nutrition, healthiness and health as are we aware that the lack of water can lead to malnutrition, uncleanness and diseases. Millions of Cameroon suffer from this problem. Resolving that crisis must be another top priority of our government.
Water as a source of light ; light, power produced through water, that is the hydroelectricity principle. At Lacdo we have one hydroelectric dam. At Edea we have the hydroelectric dam of Songloulou: are those two dams used to their full potential? Do they need some restoration? Should we search for other possible sites? Can hydroelectricity be applied in the noun for example or elsewhere in other regions, departments, cities of the country? The Adamaoua plateau is a natural reservoir of water: what proportion of cameroon can be provided in water from that natural basin? Is it the case now? Can the whole northern part of The National Triangle – I am talking about Adamaoua itself, the north and further north provinces – be provided in water from the Adamaoua plateau too? What measures must be taken then? What is to be done?
The logone level is falling year after year, how can this problem be solved? What about the noun, the benoue, the dja, the lobo, the kienke, the sanaga, the nyong, the kele, the wouri, and all the other rivers in The Triangle? What is the state of the water table in Cameroon today. How has deforestation and pollution affected it? How can we fix it, what solutions to apply?
We have professionals, technicians, experts of water in our country. They must be heard, they must be given the latitude to work for Cameroonians to start being relieved of the suffering they endure. What would be the use of our experts if the country cannot benefit from their knowledge? Our experts, technicians should be given the opportunity to do their job. Our country needs them.

Water as a source of light ; light, power produced through water, that is the hydroelectricity principle. At Lacdo we have one hydroelectric dam. At Edea we have the hydroelectric dam of Songloulou: are those two dams used to their full potential? Do they need some restoration? Should we search for other possible sites? Can hydroelectricity be applied in the noun for example or elsewhere in other regions, departments, cities of the country? The Adamaoua plateau is a natural reservoir of water: what proportion of cameroon can be provided in water from that natural basin? Is it the case now? Can the whole northern part of The National Triangle – I am talking about Adamaoua itself, the north and further north provinces – be provided in water from the Adamaoua plateau too? What measures must be taken then? What is to be done?
The logone level is falling year after year, how can this problem be solved? What about the noun, the benoue, the dja, the lobo, the kienke, the sanaga, the nyong, the kele, the wouri, and all the other rivers in The Triangle? What is the state of the water table in Cameroon today. How has deforestation and pollution affected it? How can we fix it, what solutions to apply?
We have professionals, technicians, experts of water in our country. They must be heard, they must be given the latitude to work for Cameroonians to start being relieved of the suffering they endure. What would be the use of our experts if the country cannot benefit from their knowledge? Our experts, technicians should be given the opportunity to do their job. Our country needs them.