The unexpected effect of this that happened to Africans for centuries on with the violence we know is that it gives a clue of what the nature of the relationships between all the children of Africa must henceforth be. Them relationships must reach a standard of humanity far superior to the average level of the rest of the people. That indication or suggestion can well be considered a path of collective accomplishment all the children of Africa must follow under the sun.
For the black people, the race with melanin , the Ethiopian race, the Sudanese race, the Nubian race, the Moorish race, the African race, the Aswadian race, the Alkebuian race; for the African people, the Kamite people, the hands of Time and History point the highest standard of humanity his children must display to each other. That higher standard of humanity must constitute the most possible achieved art Africa must produce in order to achieve her rebirth and to start up a world new golden cycle in this Time. This can and even must be understood as a duty. Yes, the battered, degraded, trampled on children of the first world must recycle and share a profusion of that heartfelt feeling of humanity. More than anyone else, the children of paradise must in this Time embody "ubuntu", the feeling of African conviviality, sociability, care, kindness, solidarity, empathy: "umuntu, ngumuntu ngabantu", we can translate as "somebody can only accomplish themselves as somebody through somebody else", "somebody becomes somebody through somebody".
Now, this is where seriousness begins because that ubuntu principle or duty also implies that all the actions and attitudes that under the sun go against that principle, like negativity, hatred, jealously, meanness, if somehow tolerated for other people or races become when it comes to the children of Africa very big faults. Our status of first world, the great horror of maafa, yovoda, slavery that we have lived and that still affects us leave us no choice but to crown up ubuntu a top-duty among ourselves.
What now? The circle. What now? The sum. What now? The Balance.
It is Balance time for Africa, time for Africa to make the sum of her journey in History, time for Africa to complete her circle. From civilization that Africa originated in human history until slavery, we cannot but conclude that Africa done offered as a present life to all humanity. That life she carries within her she spread all over the world. Africans have therefore done carried life, educated and make other people prosperous. In a sense, Africa done unraveled her spiral, Africa done opened her world to humanity, Africa done "went out". Slavery was a forced exit, yet with the consequence that Africa brought life wherever she had been deported. I consider that Africa must now "come back", wind her spiral up, close her movement, come back to her initial point that is common life in a common space, on the same ancestral land with all the life she brought to other races. For me that homecoming must inaugurate a new life cycle for the Africans and for the entire humanity. The axis I have suggested (Ubuntu, Sankofa, Osiris, Amina, Akamayong, Umoja, Liboso) are modalities for the reality of that winning homecoming. To use another image, let us visualize Africa like a body that dilated and spread its life outside. Now I think that body must reduce and spread its life inside. In order to achieve this we must seriously I think envisage the concrete return of Africa to herself, Africa to Africa.
So, for the "skull" (the physical shape of Africa), there are from my point of view two essential moments: the opening, the expansion, the unravelling of the spiral, the exit, then the closing of the movement, the contraction, the centralization, the winding up of the spiral, the coming back for the renaissance. The first moment done happened already and I can even say we are still in it. The second moment has already been set in motion and its first fruits are even visible with the coming together that slowly occur between the Africans of the world. That second moment represent for me the great project that must mobilize all the children of the first world in this century. This is how I see things.