Where we are standing now
Africa is a mutilated being. Her dismantled body and parts are scattered all over the world. Recent assessments talk of an african population of 600 millions to 800 millions back in the 16th century that had dramatically fallen to 200 millions in the middle of the 19th century. Now if we do the math, we find a difference of 400 millions to 600 millions caused by slavery and its effects. Africa has not recovered yet from four centuries of uninterrupted slavery.
From back then until now you see, Africa along with all her children done been but a psychologically sick entity, a tormented people. A trauma of a violence extreme is imprinted in the subconscious of Africa. The crime of slavery that the black people done interiorized inside their collective conscience still conditions their temporal experience, his journey on earth, meaning his life, his specific story inside the world global history up to this very day, hour and minute. It is vital for all the Africans of the world, those done remained in the motherland as well as those done been taken away, to go back to that tragic hour where the clock hands of their destiny seem to have stopped. I never mean for the black people to go back to that moment of their history as a manner of satisfaction in recycled nostalgia and sorrow however deeply felt; I mean for the children of Africa to return back to that dramatic time in order to unknot the great knot that stops Africa from going forward.
This is a completely therapeutically oriented process intended to motivate the black people into writing new pages of the world history.

From back then until now you see, Africa along with all her children done been but a psychologically sick entity, a tormented people. A trauma of a violence extreme is imprinted in the subconscious of Africa. The crime of slavery that the black people done interiorized inside their collective conscience still conditions their temporal experience, his journey on earth, meaning his life, his specific story inside the world global history up to this very day, hour and minute. It is vital for all the Africans of the world, those done remained in the motherland as well as those done been taken away, to go back to that tragic hour where the clock hands of their destiny seem to have stopped. I never mean for the black people to go back to that moment of their history as a manner of satisfaction in recycled nostalgia and sorrow however deeply felt; I mean for the children of Africa to return back to that dramatic time in order to unknot the great knot that stops Africa from going forward.
This is a completely therapeutically oriented process intended to motivate the black people into writing new pages of the world history.