Muster thy sons in union close around thee
We all are sons and daughters of The National Triangle in the same way, and this principle should be made a fact. In The Land of the Three Angles, exclusion should never find a home to live in, a chair to sit in, a bed to rest in. Exclusion is a failure vis-a-vis the sacred duty of national cohesion. Exclusion leads to frustration. Frustration leads to tensions. Tensions lead to conflicts. Conflicts are the end of peace and without peace nothing good can be. Conflicts mean violence. Conflicts mean sorrow. Conflicts mean suffering. Conflicts mean hatred. Conflicts mean pain. Conflicts mean tears. Conflicts mean death. Conflicts mean destruction and destruction is the last thing we should wish.
The country is facing a serious crisis that threatens its unity. I am talking about the Anglophone problem, of course. The sons and daughters of The National Pyramid from the english speaking part of the country express their frustration, their anger caused by decades of exclusion and seclusion, neglect. Anglophone Cameroonians have been complaining time and again of being treated like marginals or strangers inside the nation. Playing the ostrich will not solve, resolve nor dissolve the problem. This problem requires a political solution. The Cameroonian head of state must make clear moves and display a sincere will to see all Cameroonians live together like a big family: que tous tes enfants du nord au sud, de l'est a l'ouest, de l'extreme nord à l'Adamoua, du centre au littoral, du sud-ouest au nord-ouest soient tout amour. For sure, but let it be more than words.