The original people of Cameroon
The baka, bedzan, bagyeli, bakola… are the original people of the triangle, the wise guardians of the place. They have been there long before any other people came along. This leads me to assert that pygmees benefit from a special status inside the nation. They are our elders. The entire nation must acknowledge that and stop use, abuse, exploit, profit from the extreme generosity and kindness of those good elders. Starting in the sixties, they are relocated, chased away from their habitat. They endure both physical and psychological violence mainly caused by forestry exploitation that destroys their culture and civilization, the civilization of the elders, and forces an alien way of life on them. That behavior towards our wise elders is neither respectful nor is it respectable. That fault must be corrected. As long as we will not be willing to do things right, there is nothing good we can expect from our country. So, the question of the original people in the triangle in my opinion should require national consideration. Also we should also bear in mind that the original people are our memory and the depositaries of a knowledge that is maybe as ancient as life. The relationship between the good elders and the others is the one of parent and child, educator and student. There is so much we have to learn from the elder people we have been used to overlook. There is injustice and abuse been going on here and this we have to change.