Much improvement in the justice system in Cameroon will have to occur so that justice ceases to wear the face of injustice for the poor or ordinary citizen. Justice must be fair, impartial. The two pans of the scale must weight exactly the same. There can be no long lasting harmony or peace in the community without peace.
Too many citizens find themselves locked inside jails without ever having been judged: this is a major problem that screams for a solution. Too many citizens find themselves locked inside jails after unfair trials: this is a major problem that must be solved. Prisons in Cameroon are dilapidated, insalubrious, overpopulated: this is a big problem that bangs for a solution. If we ambition to serve as a model of humanity for the children of Africa and for the rest of the world; if we seek the respect of other nations under the sun, we cannot bear the idea that those who for un- or justified reasons are inside jails in our country live in subhuman conditions. Let us look back at the time when day and night for five centuries, meaning 500 years without stopping the humanity of the Africans has been trampled, denied, mocked. Five hundred years of slavery have shaped the perception of Africans as inferior beings the world thinks we are. We cannot deny that the way Africans look at themselves has been affected in a negative way up to this hour. In other to rebuild ourselves and heal our souls and minds and hearts from the trauma of what we have been through for centuries, we can start giving to each other a profusion of our humanity.
This is one of the directions that the clock hands of history indicate for Africa. We must elevate the standard of the humanity we show to each other at the level of the greatest art we are capable of. As long as the memory of that tragedy that explains the actual configuration of Africa will not be retrieved and alive in the minds of all Africans we will be doomed to stay but a wandering people on the scene of history, with no goal, no project; a people that walks in the night with no light to guide them. For all those reasons, Cameroon must be a role model for the humanity of the African towards the African.