Back to Africa: the paths, the doors, the bridges

     Education, information are I believe key-words.  People must be given information, people must be educated so that the distances that separate both sides of Africa are gradually shorten until they actually disappear. This must be a top priority. The barriers that artificially draw an identity line between the ones and the others must be broken. A policy of cultural, economical, scientific highways inside which the world African galaxy will be able to meet, exchange, recognize each other must see the day through an official and even high-priority cooperation between African states and Africans from the diaspora. 


Axes of the return must be drawn on both sides. Open doors must make communicate the various rooms of the great transcontinental African house. Bridges of the return must be rebuilt so as to as reunite the two separated halves. Air companies in the motherland can signal the presence of Africans from the diaspora in their flights so that the brothers, sisters, the ancestors from the diaspora enjoy a warm welcome from the company staff and even from the brothers and sisters in the airports. Here is a highly symbolical action. The list of world Africans (Caribbean, South-North-Central America, Europe, etc.) who for professional reasons or who permanently reside in african countries can be published in both the official and private press of the aforesaid countries. That list can be updated each year  and published in the television news broadcast. Here is a highly symbolical action. This can be done. The world great African family must come together. Axes must therefore be defined:   


- I can see one « ubuntu[1] axis » that will consist in intensifying the harmony in the relationships and will help foster the links between all the Africans of the world.

- I think of one « sankofa[2]  axis » that is the cultural, historical, spiritual, identity quest whose finality is self-knowledge, self-awareness of of ourselves as Africans. The purpose here is to really make ours the heritage of our ancestors that will help us face the challenges of the 21st century we will have to formulate according to our own perspectives: African Renaissance, the oneness of all the scattered children of Africa, our role in world history, etc.

- I also think of one « umoja[3] axis » whose mission will be to create a network of all the african intelligences and energies of the world.

- I think of one « akamayong[4] axis » whose vocation will be the defence, the security, the protection of the interests of Africa through law (attorneys), through information (the media, the Internet, journalists). The military aspect is capital because Africa will have to be able to defend herself and defend her children. That goal we should not overlook if we do not wanna appear like foolish naives, though its materialization we cannot plan in a near future. Defence is a key-sector in a nation, especially for the black people knowing the context of permanent aggression we are living in.  

-I see one  « Osiris[5] axis » whose substance will be the physical, cultural, economical, political regeneration of Africa and Africans. That axis symbolically must be green like vegetation, abundance, the richness of nature, and black too like the compost that produces the abundance of the harvests and the luxury of vegetation; black also like the wonderful children of paradise who must portray that cultural, physical, material, economical, political greenery, that abundance. The big deal here is to "resurrect the great black", meaning to bring back in every aspect the abundance, vegetation, life, joy, prosperity in the first world.   

- I think of one « liboso[6]  axis » whose essence will be the advancement and progress of the continent using all the resources of our intelligence, and mobilizing our will and zeal.  – I am in favor of one « iman[7] axis » with the double mission to rehabilitate the African woman, the black woman (equal chances to education, social responsibilities and respect) and to insure every African a good access to water, that cornerstone for our existence, social cohesion, peace, life, accomplishment of the people and the communities.


All them axes must converge on one unique destination that is Africa back as the center of the world.


[1] Zulu principle of compassion, charity, kindness, humanity

[2]  Akan principle that states we must find our ancestral heritage back so as to build our present and our future

[3]  Swahili principle of unity

[4]  Fang principle of national defence and security

[5] Kemet (ancient Egypt) principle of renaissance, regeneration

[6]  Principle of progress, advancement (Congo)

[7]  « Water », « life » in tuareg language. Also a common name given to girls.

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