Willing and Winning
I am well aware of all the pessimism going round when it comes to Africa or Africans, I so mean the black people. I am well aware of all the defeatism going round when it comes to Africa or Africans, I so mean the black people. I am well aware of all the fatalism going round when it comes to Africa and Africans, I so mean the black people. I am well aware of all the cynicism going round when it comes to Africa and Africans, I so mean the black people. I am well conscious of all the afro pessimism going round even among ourselves, even among African people, I so mean the black people themselves. I know all the sarcasm that the association of Africa with victory, or civilization, or greatness, or with any positive symbol will not fail to raise. Pessimists, defeatists, fatalists, cynics, afro pessimists will have their way and talk of day dreaming, wishful thinking, utopia, waste of time.
There is but a few simple things I have to answer to that: all the pessimism, defeatism, fatalism, cynicism, afro pessimism mentioned did not come to black folks by the way of nature. Specific circumstances that are long lasting invasion, oppression, violence and violation, assassination, destruction, slavery, colonization, neo-colonialism, body and mind control have created the losers that many among the black people have turned to be.
Now, if specific circumstances in history did create the losers that many among the African folks are today, in the same way specific circumstances must create winners out of those former losers. Those specific circumstances have a name and identity that are education, instruction, knowledge of Africa and its legacy to the world. Only when the African people is informed of those facts will they start becoming winners; winners with different minds energized by race pride, self-pride; winners who will cease to look at other races with eyes full of shame; winners and creators of societies and ways of life of their own.
Again for the pessimists and defeatists and other fatalists and cynics, afro pessimists, may I remind here that sometimes with very simple means and tools and methods the Africans from the Nile valley succeeded in creating the biggest achievements of humankind? Yes, with simple tools and means they did it, they made it. Had they been losers, racially ashamed, mentally dominated and alienated they never would have achieved the quarter of what they achieved.
So, it is possible even to perform wonders with simple ingredients, but it takes knowledge about ourselves. When we get that, then we get race confidence and race pride. With race confidence and race pride we get faith in ourselves. With faith in ourselves we can get the will to win and we actually can win. We only can win if we get together, if we agree to dialogue and communicate. With will and through consultation, we can find all the solutions we need. Yes, consultation is essential, but consultation means we are humble enough to show our neighbor consideration, esteem, respect to confide in them, and attention to listen to them.
So, the first question I ask those who are always ready to criticize and mock the pains the others take: do you have the will? Are you willing? I know you are able, but are you willing to see a united Africa, reunited Africans, ? Now, what are you doing for that ,or are you just working 'gainst that? This they will have to answer in the silence of their hearts.

There is but a few simple things I have to answer to that: all the pessimism, defeatism, fatalism, cynicism, afro pessimism mentioned did not come to black folks by the way of nature. Specific circumstances that are long lasting invasion, oppression, violence and violation, assassination, destruction, slavery, colonization, neo-colonialism, body and mind control have created the losers that many among the black people have turned to be.
Now, if specific circumstances in history did create the losers that many among the African folks are today, in the same way specific circumstances must create winners out of those former losers. Those specific circumstances have a name and identity that are education, instruction, knowledge of Africa and its legacy to the world. Only when the African people is informed of those facts will they start becoming winners; winners with different minds energized by race pride, self-pride; winners who will cease to look at other races with eyes full of shame; winners and creators of societies and ways of life of their own.
Again for the pessimists and defeatists and other fatalists and cynics, afro pessimists, may I remind here that sometimes with very simple means and tools and methods the Africans from the Nile valley succeeded in creating the biggest achievements of humankind? Yes, with simple tools and means they did it, they made it. Had they been losers, racially ashamed, mentally dominated and alienated they never would have achieved the quarter of what they achieved.
So, it is possible even to perform wonders with simple ingredients, but it takes knowledge about ourselves. When we get that, then we get race confidence and race pride. With race confidence and race pride we get faith in ourselves. With faith in ourselves we can get the will to win and we actually can win. We only can win if we get together, if we agree to dialogue and communicate. With will and through consultation, we can find all the solutions we need. Yes, consultation is essential, but consultation means we are humble enough to show our neighbor consideration, esteem, respect to confide in them, and attention to listen to them.
So, the first question I ask those who are always ready to criticize and mock the pains the others take: do you have the will? Are you willing? I know you are able, but are you willing to see a united Africa, reunited Africans, ? Now, what are you doing for that ,or are you just working 'gainst that? This they will have to answer in the silence of their hearts.