The perception that them who were not taken away and them who been deported have of slavery is, I believe another evidence that something is wrong. Many behave like there were two Africas: one where the ancestors of all Afro-caribbeans, Afro-brazilians, Afro-argentines, Afro-mexicans, Afro-colombians, Afro-bolivians, Afro-panameans, Afro-peruvians, Afro-cubans, Afro-venezuelans, Haitians, Afro-canadians, African Americans had done been enslaved and deported, and another one, the actual Africa as can be seen on a map, where nothing ever happened. We might be lead to think that in this "second" Africa people vaguely heard of other black folks being chained and thrown inside slave ships that sailed away with them. What I wanna say is that the majority of Africans from the caribbean or american diaspora feel Africans from the motherland have no business in commemorating the abolition of slavery, the mourning our fathers and mothers who endured hell with slavery. This goes for the majority of Africans in the motherland who wrongly believe they are not concerned. This is what I mean. This is why memory is fundamental.
We must not take them things lightly. This is no joke. Them had been deported in captivity been stolen from within the people, meaning among the Africans themselves. Them very ones done been taken away were Africans, let us not forget it! More, when we consider the resistances, we must remember that many among them who remained in the continent could actually remain because they escaped or sail back the slave ships to the shore after they victoriously rebelled. That is how come many were not taken far far away.
By reminding them facts I wanna make it clear for everybody that slavery is part of the history of Africans from both sides of the ocean. If also we add – and we must add it- the fact that them done been captured and deported did leave families behind, parents, grand-parents, uncles, aunts, sisters, brothers, husbands, wives, children, nephews, nieces, we also should not overlook their grief and sorrow, the deep wound inside the souls, the violence of the separation, the horror of witnessing the martyr of our people, the feeling of powerlessness, the daily dread of death, the fear of tomorrow with its renewed horrors. So, I ask you: where do you think all that have gone? It is all imprinted inside the psyche of all the children of Africa today, whether in the motherland or outside. Let us then not be cavalier with so serious an issue or treat it matter-of-factly. Let us use all the areas of our brain that our meditation on that done occurred to us has not reached yet so as to have the most vivid picture of that reality.
Africa must wake up to Africa and that awakening of Africa to Africa has its detonator in the awakening of the african consciousness that itself can only happen with the awakening of the african memory.
We must not take them things lightly. This is no joke. Them had been deported in captivity been stolen from within the people, meaning among the Africans themselves. Them very ones done been taken away were Africans, let us not forget it! More, when we consider the resistances, we must remember that many among them who remained in the continent could actually remain because they escaped or sail back the slave ships to the shore after they victoriously rebelled. That is how come many were not taken far far away.
By reminding them facts I wanna make it clear for everybody that slavery is part of the history of Africans from both sides of the ocean. If also we add – and we must add it- the fact that them done been captured and deported did leave families behind, parents, grand-parents, uncles, aunts, sisters, brothers, husbands, wives, children, nephews, nieces, we also should not overlook their grief and sorrow, the deep wound inside the souls, the violence of the separation, the horror of witnessing the martyr of our people, the feeling of powerlessness, the daily dread of death, the fear of tomorrow with its renewed horrors. So, I ask you: where do you think all that have gone? It is all imprinted inside the psyche of all the children of Africa today, whether in the motherland or outside. Let us then not be cavalier with so serious an issue or treat it matter-of-factly. Let us use all the areas of our brain that our meditation on that done occurred to us has not reached yet so as to have the most vivid picture of that reality.
Africa must wake up to Africa and that awakening of Africa to Africa has its detonator in the awakening of the african consciousness that itself can only happen with the awakening of the african memory.