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The forest must absolutely be preserved. This is a top priority. Our survival depends on it. We are not fully aware of the fact that when the forest is disappearing we too are disappearing with it. Forestry exploitation must be subject to extra strict laws, and the government must control the scrupulous application of those laws, otherwise it is entire generations that are being sacrificed for the centuries to come.
The forest is the great reservoir of life : vegetal life, animal and human life. That reservoir that is disappearing means life itself is disappearing. Our health depends on the forest given that the forest provides the raw material to medicine, be it natural or industrial. Forest in the first place is our link with earth. Forest is also the keeper of our history and our memory. Forest is our environment. Deforestation gives way to desertification, and desertification itself is a danger for that fundamental resource for life that is water. If water starts missing, then our very survival is threatened. There is no life without water. Reafforestation therefore must be a priority. Trees must be planted again. This is an emergency. To let our forest be destroyed is to jeopardize our future.
Just like about twenty years ago we had the « green Sahel » programme to fight desertification in the northern part of our country, a new programme of a bigger importance should be planned to recreate our forest. I suggest to name it the « Wangari Maathai programme » as a tribute to the Kenyan woman who planted millions of trees and won the 2002 Nobel prize for peace for her contribution « to long lasting development, democracy and peace ». That programme should involve the whole nation and mobilize all Cameroonians, young and adults. The effects of deforestation in our country can be witnessed in the increasing warming of our health. They affect us, young and old, old and young. We must reafforest as soon as possible. Our future depends on it. We must act quick before it is too late. The process is reversible. On the other hand, we must reactivate the « green Sahel » programme since the desert has not stopped its progression in the northern part of The National Triangle.
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