Rail and road links
Our country needs road infrastructures. Our country economical vitality also depends on the ability of the people to move inside the triangle in order to exchange, to communicate. Economical growth walks hand in hand with transportation network. Cameroonians must be able to move inside the country so that we have a vital economy.
Since this is not the case today it also can explain why our economy is a slow engine. The cameroonian state must build good road infrastructures. Too many regions in our country still remain dead zones, desolated zones, isolated zones. All the regions of The Triangle must communicate so that the sons and daughters of The National Triangle can communicate too and exchange. Our road network must be functional and operational then we will be able to have a more dynamic economy.
In the same way our rail network must be renovated and extended. Due to the fact that the mail is incorporated in the communication domain, the postal service in our country will have to be highly satisfying. Yet, the efficiency of that postal service relies on good quality transportation network: road network, rail network, flying, navigation. The cameroonian state must help in the making and repairing of the dugouts so that our fishermen can do their job in the best possible conditions.
The state must provide Cameroon the infrastructures that will make it possible for the economic activity, or the human activity in a more global way to develop. The sate must play its part and fulfill its mission.

Since this is not the case today it also can explain why our economy is a slow engine. The cameroonian state must build good road infrastructures. Too many regions in our country still remain dead zones, desolated zones, isolated zones. All the regions of The Triangle must communicate so that the sons and daughters of The National Triangle can communicate too and exchange. Our road network must be functional and operational then we will be able to have a more dynamic economy.
In the same way our rail network must be renovated and extended. Due to the fact that the mail is incorporated in the communication domain, the postal service in our country will have to be highly satisfying. Yet, the efficiency of that postal service relies on good quality transportation network: road network, rail network, flying, navigation. The cameroonian state must help in the making and repairing of the dugouts so that our fishermen can do their job in the best possible conditions.
The state must provide Cameroon the infrastructures that will make it possible for the economic activity, or the human activity in a more global way to develop. The sate must play its part and fulfill its mission.