Returning back to the time when the strings of our kora had done broken means the memory of slavery must be retrieved by all, ‘specially them there Africans in the motherland. For that memory to be retrieved, it needs stimulation. We must invigorate it, keep it up and fan it, just so. Facts must be reminded. Slavery must be a top priority in the entire educative system in Africa. The information on slavery must be available and spread for the memory of that tragedy to be alive. A tripolar system can serve as strategy to spread that information: the educative system can be one of them poles, while radio and television would be the remaining two poles. Each pole would act as a relay towards the other poles. But I wanna make it a point that the three aforementioned poles operate as a network, that is why they actually must be a tripolar system.
I do not mean to dismiss the Internet in the whole process. However, in a mass education context –this being the case here- radio and television provide a free information to millions of people at the same time. School too provides a mass education, which is precisely what we are heading to, what we are aiming at, what is needed for this very project. With the Internet and the opportunity to choose whatever link one wishes, that mass effect is simply not there. One other thing is that for many people, the World Wide Web is a privilege they simply cannot afford. In the continent, the fact for the Internet not to be widely spread added to the limited number of people that actually know how to use a computer is I think a big handicap, although this can change. In any case, it is vital in Africa that Websites with high quality information on slavery exist, financed by the African Union and the African states in partnership with Africans who where taken away from their land and families centuries ago.
With their memory back, it is the entire conscience of the Black folks that is back. With their memory and their consciousness back, the awareness the Black folks of themselves, the awareness of themselves as a people still in need to be free after those centuries will grow, as well as will become clearer the perception of the directions and horizons ahead. Then the impact the impact we will have on our own lives , on the world will be boosted. Our action will be amplified like the one of the sick man who has just recovered from a paralyzing illness. Here is for the Black people the big deal about the need of retrieving memory and consciousness. But the african memory extends to the whole african history. Africans should have the clear picture of Africa pioneering civilization, excellence and greatness for humanity. Them facts must be told and taught for the birth of a new African, new african minds.

I do not mean to dismiss the Internet in the whole process. However, in a mass education context –this being the case here- radio and television provide a free information to millions of people at the same time. School too provides a mass education, which is precisely what we are heading to, what we are aiming at, what is needed for this very project. With the Internet and the opportunity to choose whatever link one wishes, that mass effect is simply not there. One other thing is that for many people, the World Wide Web is a privilege they simply cannot afford. In the continent, the fact for the Internet not to be widely spread added to the limited number of people that actually know how to use a computer is I think a big handicap, although this can change. In any case, it is vital in Africa that Websites with high quality information on slavery exist, financed by the African Union and the African states in partnership with Africans who where taken away from their land and families centuries ago.
With their memory back, it is the entire conscience of the Black folks that is back. With their memory and their consciousness back, the awareness the Black folks of themselves, the awareness of themselves as a people still in need to be free after those centuries will grow, as well as will become clearer the perception of the directions and horizons ahead. Then the impact the impact we will have on our own lives , on the world will be boosted. Our action will be amplified like the one of the sick man who has just recovered from a paralyzing illness. Here is for the Black people the big deal about the need of retrieving memory and consciousness. But the african memory extends to the whole african history. Africans should have the clear picture of Africa pioneering civilization, excellence and greatness for humanity. Them facts must be told and taught for the birth of a new African, new african minds.