The african people been hit in his body and soul. That mutilated soul still carries the scars of the chains, the lashes, the gunshots, the dog bites, the lynching, the mutilations, the red hot burning iron on the flesh. The first "back to Africa door", the definitive connection that will permanently establish the "back to Africa bridge" also lies in that soul, inside the hearts. My point is for the definitive connection to happen it will take highly symbolical actions from both sides that will hit the hearts and minds and so seal forever the oneness of the great african family. Occurrences must be planned. Following the African-African American Summits that reunited Africans from the motherland and Africans from the U.S diaspora, meetings must be organized on the african soil and in all the lands of captivity and deportation.
The Africans that in the context of them afrolateral meetings will return to the land of their ancestors will have to come back with the agony of the tortured african soul. In clearer words, they will have to come back and sing slave songs for their families in the motherland. Their bruthas and sistahs will have to witness them things, hear them, see them, live them. They will have to sing work songs. Their bruthas and sistahs will have to witness them things, hear them, see them, live them. They will have to sing resistance and revolt songs our ancestors disguised into religious songs in order to fool the enemies that kept Africa captive. Their bruthas and sistahs will have to witness them things, live them, see them, hear them. They will have to sing and explain so that their bros and sis understand and relive all of it. They will have to come back with the gwo ka, the bele, the reco reco, the agogo, the berimbau, the pandeiro, the atabaque, the yuka, the bata, the claves, the congas, and all other musical instruments they managed to save and they will have to play them for their families in the motherland. Their bruthas and sistahs will have to witness them things, see them, hear them, live them. Their boros and sisis will have to realize they still cry "Senegal", "beautiful Congo" in their songs. Scenes of slavery if possible could be mimed and reproduced too. In order to recreate the atmosphere of the traditional african evening; in order to recreate the right mood for meditation and silence that fits the circumstance; in order to lay an emphasis on the highly solemnity of the event, nighttime seems to me more appropriate than daytime. Nighttime is the moment where the physical activity that is needed for the community is stopped. Besides nighttime being well known for fertilizing the brains and minds, I think it fits perfectly well for such a connection. I think also that in order not to kill that kind of natural mystery nighttime carries, the light of torches or candles would be more suitable than the electric light which is no natural element. I would rather see things that way.
Them in the motherland that would go celebrate their families in the diasporas would go meet their brothers and sisters with the music from the motherland, symbolical gifts (food, cloth, handcraft, jewellery). Episodes from slavery could be mimed, I think of rows of black men, women and children who would walk slowly with shackles and chains on their feet to remind their bruthas and sistahs who been abducted they are one people, the people done endured slavery.
The connection through the union of the souls is to me the best way for the two sides that the racist inhumanity of the enemies of Africa separated to get into each other. This meeting of the hearts in my opinion will be the mother of any true future cultural, economical, political, military, scientific, technological cooperation, because such a cooperation must absolutely be established with the Africans from South America, North America, Central America, Caribbean, Europe. The fact that a great part of that African Diaspora speaks portuguese, or even spanish, the language obstacle –excepting countries like Angola, Mozambique, Equatorial-Guinea, Sao Tome- can be solved through a unique English translation. This concerns documentation, radio or television broadcasted programmes, any system for the circulation of information towards the motherland. That English translation, the African diaspora from the U.S and Great-Britain can provide if asked to. Boros and sisis taken away from Africa are more than willing to be involved in projects in association with their boros and sisis in the motherland. They are watching us, hoping, waiting, observing, wishing for something to happen… at last.
From now on then, let it be that when African matters are discussed in the motherland, the abducted part of Africa is included. From now on then also, let the abducted part of Africa makes African matters their personal business. For this to come true, each side of Africa must really become alive and real in the daily life and existence of the other. Each side must cease to be a mere theoretical notion for the other. The memory and most of all the reality of the other side must resurface, and afrolateral meetings that will seal the connection of the hearts will have to act as preludes to that. African governments should grant African citizenships to all the children of Africa stolen to the motherland.

Kwame Nkrumah, M.L. King