Africa as a Model
It is more than time we learn to take Africa and our African brothers as models. It is more than time we learn to acknowledge the qualities we find in our other african brothers and sincerely wish, wit no shame, to be like them. It is more than time we learn to feel pride for our other african brothers. When we are able to achieve those « little » things, then it will be possible for us to say to ourselves: « hmmm, we have made a giant step ». And as long as we do not succeed in achieving it, then we will have to confess to ourselves: « hmmm, we still have a long ways to go ».
It is more than time we learn to know and above all to love Africa so as to fully realize all she can and must bring to us in this critical hour of our common history. Yes, let our eyes start looking at Africa and looking at the Africans that we are. Our minds must be set on Africa.