The Ancestors and us
Individually, everyone of us is a sum: the sum of all them done preceded us, the ancestors. We then are the result of a continuity that spreads through space, through time. We represent a kinda specific branch on a kinda specific tree that is our ancestry, let us say our family tree. The ancestors then represent the components of that sum that we as individuals are but the closest result. So, the ancestors are a part of ourselves as well as we are a part of them. They actually are that aspect of ourselves that comes before the persons we are today.
Genetically we carry that sum within us, yes all that ensemble that is a patrimony, a legacy. On this basis, the ancestors can but be alive and inside a space that is nothing but our very selves. That sum, that patrimony in us can and must be active. What does that sum concretely represent? That huge ensemble represents an almost infinite mass of information encoded inside an ancestral memory made of great empire builders, heroic warriors, army strategists, freedom fighters, wise possessors of the secrets of nature, great therapists, thaumaturges, wonderful architects, learned men and women, city builders, craftsmen, metallurgists, griots, leaders, which is enormous in terms of knowledge and power!
My opinion is that all that potential must be useful for the reconstruction of the African entity. This would mean for us to reconnect to it or to reactivate it since that potential is present in us. Conditions for the reactivation of that potential we carry within us can perfectly be created: the recollection of all them done come before us, our ancestors, their names, the knowledge of genealogies, the knowledge of African history can help that reconnection happen. However, other means must too exist that we should consider…
So, I think, though just a point of view, still it is mine and I express it, that the ancestry "channel" can prove a winning one and offer solutions indeed to the children of
The ancestors and us; us and the ancestors; the ancestors with us; the ancestors in us.

Makonde sculpture (Tanzania) : "tree of life"